- The rewards of 9 Million DLs Event Boss Mission will be sent.
For details, pleaser refer to "this news".
- Otsukimi Limited Recipes will be removed.
- The recipes of Autumn Event 2018 will be removed.
- The following improvements will be applied.
- We have added a category: "New" to the avatar item lineup.
The items with the "New" mark will be displayed in this category.
- The following issues will be fixed.
- Able to tap win rates while you are trying on avatar items.
- Defects that occur when previewing "Ritual Dress" on female characters on Consignment Board.
- Unable to convert avatar items and continue playing the game under certain conditions.
- The required items to proceed Story Missions are not taken correctly.
- Unable to continue playing the game when managing guild points under certain conditions.
- Unable to continue playing the game after tapping "Partition Settings" at the garden under certain conditions.