[1/31 3:00 PM (JST) น. การปิดปรับปรุงระบบสิ้นสุดลงแล้ว] Setsubun special recipes are coming! There are many limited-edition avatars that will turn you completely into an "Oni"!!

Get a taste of Setsubun and enjoy it to the fullest with the “Setsubun Limited Recipes” that will be available after the maintenance ends!

You can become a "Scary Oni" without fail by equipping Oni Mask and Oni Iron Club! You'll definitely scare the children, making them cry and scamper around like crazy!

All the recipes are only available for a limited period of time, so don't miss them!!

Limited Recipes Available Period

From: After the maintenance on 1/31/2020
Until: Before the maintenance on 2/13/2020

Please refer to the following for other maintenance contents.


- The requirement to obtain "Snowball Points" in Snowball Fight will be adjusted.

The improvement below has been made through the maintenance on 1/23.

・The order of buff icons has been adjusted so that the buff with the shortest duration is shown first on the left.

We apologize for the late announcement.

The following improvements will be applied.

- Under certain conditions, snowball cannot be made.

- Under certain conditions, the buttons in Snowball Fight Event are not shown properly.

- Under certain conditions, the number of Hits in Snowball Fight Event is not shown.

*This issue will be fixed in the Android 3.3.10a and iOS 3.3.10i version of the app that have been submitted and are currently being reviewed.